Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A life without sugar is no life at all.

You know what breakfast generally includes?


Cereal, toast, granola bars, yogurt... pretty much anything I eat for breakfast has sugar in it. I generally grab a belVita bar as I run headlong out the door, hoping I'm not late for school even though the clock says I most likely will be. 

So the first morning, I woke up a little too late (as usual), scrambled around my apartment getting ready (as usual), and only had about three minutes until I absolutely HAD to leave when I realized I had not yet eaten breakfast or packed a lunch. Generally, I could pretty much accomplish both of those things in three minutes. Shove a granola bar into my face for breakfast, grab a can of soup and a tupperware bowl for lunch, aaaaaand done. 
Monday was a little more rough. I quickly set a frying pan on a burner, started it, and threw some spinach, almonds, olive oil, onions, and tomatoes into a tupperware (thank goodness I'd chopped up so many vegetables for tacos the other day).
Then, because I hadn't actually cracked the eggs onto the frying pan yet, my Super Sensitive smoke detectors went off, which is always unpleasant, but especially at 6:50 in the morning (sorry, neighbors). So I ran around crazily flapping a towel at BOTH of them (why does my 500 sq. ft. studio have two?) and then fried the eggs. I slammed down the eggs (not a pleasant experience), and ran out the door.

The rest of the day went about the same. I don't know if anyone's ever tried to convince you that a spinach salad with vegetables and olive oil with some almonds and pistachios is a satisfying lunch, but they were lying. I did not enjoy that, and I did not enjoy the few hours in between lunch and home when I could eat a snack. The vending machine only has peanuts, and I am not supposed to have peanuts or cashews (darn you, Diane Sanfilippo). So, I was hungry.

When I got home, I had some chicken on another spinach salad, and felt sort of sad and defeated, but pretty healthy at least. I told myself Gwyneth was probably eating an even healthier meal somewhere.

I did try to make some "pancakes" that were basically 2 tablespoons coconut flour, 2 tablespoons coconut milk, and 2 eggs, but the coconut flour was not texturally pleasing and it didn't taste much like a pancake. I did smother it in sunbutter (sunflower seed "peanut butter") and that greatly improved my mediocre pancake experience. There is a more promising pancake recipe in the book with pumpkin and coconut oil... I'll try that and hopefully have better results.

I've basically had vegetables, almonds, pistachios, chicken, and water the past two days. Which isn't fun, but I haven't felt sick from overeating/eating crappy food yet, and that is a beautiful thing.

I know this seems crazy (believe me, I missed chocolate within five seconds of my first day), but I'm an all-or-nothing type of person. I figured I'd do better starting super strict and easing up a little bit later than pretending I was going to suddenly start eating well without strict rules.

This hasn't been a super interesting post... mostly because there's really nothing exciting or interesting about not eating sugar... BUT when I try a good recipe, I'll put it on here.

Oh yeah, better hit the gym today!

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