Saturday, January 17, 2015

Day 5

Even though making it from Monday to Friday doesn't seem super impressive, I'm impressed with myself. The first day was a little crazy, but it was Day One, so I made it. The next few days revealed more to me how used to ingesting large amounts of sugar I really am.

I was getting a little tired of my spinach salad, cold chicken, pistachios and a green apple for lunch/dinner, so I tried to spice it up last night. So I went to Aldi and bought EVERYTHING I saw that I was allowed to eat. A ton of food for a reasonable $100...stocked up for the next few weeks and felt less sad about my current dietary restrictions.

Last night, after my wondrous shopping spree, I had Brussels sprouts, Italian turkey sausage, and acorn squash for dinner. The squash tasted like dessert to me (never ever ever thought I'd say that)!
Today, I had an egg and a half for breakfast, because that second egg was making me feel yucky.

Lunch was cottage cheese with pumpkin pie spice sprinkles on it, more Brussels, and a grapefruit.
Besides the fact that I've never voluntarily eaten a grapefruit before, my lunch was great! I just had no idea how to non-messily tackle the yellow monster of a fruit that left a huge puddle after I finished mangling the slices out of the peel. My coworker told me that the rind is what makes grapefruit taste so bitter, so I spent extra time excavating it out of the rind... and she was right! It was quite enjoyable.

Dinner was a big salad with a little cottage cheese, peppers, red cabbage, onion, and tomatoes on it with olive oil and some salt/pepper. It was actually an incredibly enjoyable salad. I'd forgotten what a staple big salads were for me at Iowa State when I had a meal plan and tried to avoid the pizza line, the waffle line, the fried chicken line (I swear there was a soul food line at my dining center) and always went straight to the salad bar and ate a giant salad. Lost 30 pounds doing that! I also had another acorn squash but it must have been overripe or something because it tasted awful so I ditched it.

My one sad moment of the day came when I stopped at Starbucks near my apartment. They had all these reusable cold cups on sale for 75% off, and I thought it would be handy to get a few (I bought 3 for $5.55, NICE!). So anyway, the barista who knew me asked, "Don't you want to get your iced green tea in one of those?" so I caved and said sure. Well she had made it the last time, so she knew no classic syrup. I assumed the other girl (who is new but was there the last time as well) would remember. So she filled my trenta-sized cup up with green tea, and I even asked, "No sweetener, right?" but she'd gotten distracted finding me a bag for the other two cups. So I walked to my car and fumbled with my keys for a while before I actually took a sip... Sugar, gloooorious sugar awaited me in that sip. I didn't have the heart to take it back into the store because she's brand new and super nice and already got confused on the cash register. When I was a new barista, I felt so stupid when I made a drink wrong, even if the person was super nice about it. So I dumped it. All 31 ounces.
First major decision I had to make... and I was pleased with myself for not caving.
I LOVE me some sweetened iced green tea from Starbucks.

ANYWAY, basically I can only drink water, whole milk, coconut milk, or coconut water, and I'm not a fan of dairy much, so I've been sticking to water.

Sunday weigh in is tomorrow! I'll let you know if I've shed some of the terrifying bloat I faced last week.

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